Have you been to a Health and Glow store? Well, most of you must have! But for the rest who haven't, let me brief you about this place. This is a place swarming with SAs who know nothing but want to help you with everything!
As you can see, I could not stop myself from ordering the October Vellvette box even though I was not quite happy with the September one (Read about the September box here). This came through DTDC courier in the afternoon and I was not at home; so he asked me to collect it from his office. I tried calling him again several times just to say that I am round the corner and to wait for just 5 minutes. He did not answer my calls and when he did, he was so rude, did not even listen, and kept disconnecting abruptly. Finally I had to go and collect it myself but before that, I gave him a piece of my mind. I mean, all the courier companies have such good customer service. They usually make 3 attempts to deliver or atleast call before coming. These DTDC people are horrible and so rude! I will have to write in to the Vellvette folks to employ some other courier company in the future.
Okay, now let us see what I got in my October Vellvette box...
Alpha Whitening Cream
Vedic Line Alpha Whitening Cream (De-pigmentation Cream) Review and Swatch
October 18, 2012I got this whitening/depigmentation cream some time back and you must have also seen it in my haul post (read here). Some of the readers wanted me to review it. It is almost 11/2 months now that I have been using it and would now like to share my experience with all of you.
Before that, I would like to know what these companies mean by 'whitening'. Can any skin be white in color?
Indian Beauty Cafe received its third award - the 'One Lovely Blog Award'. I have been honored with this award by the friendly Poorva of All Things Beautiful and I would like to thank her for this gesture. Do join her in her 'beauty-full' journey!
As we all know, no matter how expensive a cream we slather on our skin; a proper diet, fitness routine and lifestyle are of utmost importance in achieving good health and beauty. In our modern-day lives, we somehow tend to neglect these factors. We rely a lot on ready-made stuff, laden with preservatives and chemicals. As a result, there is a build-up of harmful substances in the body.
To get rid of these harmful substances or toxins, it is necessary to detoxify your body, once in a while. Here, I am sharing a health drink recipe from the celebrity dietician, Shonali Sabherwal's book. As the name suggests, this drink or juice will help in complete cleansing and purification of the body. It detoxifies your entire system and flushes out the build-up of harmful substances from your body.
Cafe's Star Product - Maybelline 24 Hr Color Tattoo Eyeshadow in 'Fierce and Tangy' Review and Swatches
October 04, 2012This is the story of a love triangle. The story is set around 2 weeks back in time when I went in quest of Kryolan products to the only store in town that would probably have them. But all they had were some palettes (which I did not want) and the TV Paintstick (which I already have). I was just about to leave when the SA dragged me to the Maybelline counter and kept forward all the Color Tattoo eyeshadows. I vaguely remembered hearing about them in the distant past but since they were cream-based, I had already made up my mind not to buy them. There was this one color, though, that attracted and distracted me - and that was the 'Fierce and Tangy'!. By this time, somehow, the SA had managed to swatch all of them on my hand. I do not remember the other shades as I was all eyes just for the 'Fierce and Tangy'. It so happened that the mind that was obsessed with Kryolan while going in, now came out of the store with the 'Fierce and Tangy' haunting it. I did not buy it that day....
Four days back, on a Sunday, I went to the nearby mall, this time for the Baby Lips lip balm. I glanced again and decided to buy this time, no not Baby Lips but the 'Fierce and Tangy' Color Tattoo!!! How far does this story go? Does it end in tragedy or was it a happy ending? Want to find out? Keep reading...
I had placed an order for the September (and also my first) Vellvette box a week ago and received it today by Aramex courier. In my excitement, I ran and got the scissors and madly tore away all the outer packaging