TBC by Nature Natural Vitamin E Ultra Healing Body Lotion Review, Swatch

December 20, 2016

TBC by Nature Natural Vitamin E Ultra Healing Body Lotion Review, Swatch, Price, Buy Online, Details, Photos

Winter is finally here, and almost all of us are battling dry, dull or dehydrated skin issues. TBC by Nature recently introduced their Winter Care collection. The Natural Vitamin E Ultra Healing Body Lotion is a part of their Vitamin E range and is also available in a Super Hydrating Moisture Cream formula which comes in a tub. For now, let us get into the review of the body lotion which comes in a bottle...

Product Description

Please refer picture below

TBC by Nature Natural Vitamin E Ultra Healing Body Lotion Claims
TBC by Nature Natural Vitamin E Ultra Healing Body Lotion Claims

Directions of Use, Ingredients

Please refer picture below.

I do appreciate the full ingredient list. However, contrary to claim, it does contain parabens (methyl paraben, propyl paraben).

TBC by Nature Natural Vitamin E Ultra Healing Body Lotion How to Use, Ingredients
TBC by Nature Natural Vitamin E Ultra Healing Body Lotion How to Use, Ingredients


Normal body lotion packaging with flip-open lid. This particular size is not ideal for travelling; so you may want to transfer it to a travel-size container while on the go.

TBC by Nature Natural Vitamin E Ultra Healing Body Lotion Packaging
TBC by Nature Natural Vitamin E Ultra Healing Body Lotion Packaging


INR 265


500 ML / 16.9 fl.oz.

Shelf Life

3 years from date of manufacture

My Experience

The Vitamin E Body Lotion has a soothing floral scent that lingers on skin for a while but is not bothersome. It has a typical lotion consistency and is neither runny nor thick. The formula is lightweight and feels non greasy and comfortable once applied. It absorbs fast too.

TBC by Nature Natural Vitamin E Ultra Healing Body Lotion Review
TBC by Nature Natural Vitamin E Ultra Healing Body Lotion Review

It does make my skin soft and smooth. However, I have quite dry skin on the body and I need a heavy-duty moisturizer for hydration. While this body lotion does moisturize to some extent, it is not sufficient for my winter needs. It would make a good winter body lotion for people with oily-to-normal skin and a nice summer body lotion for all skin types. It also has SPF 15; and it is always a good thing for a body lotion to have sun protection.

TBC by Nature Natural Vitamin E Ultra Healing Body Lotion
TBC by Nature Natural Vitamin E Ultra Healing Body Lotion

Below are the swatches of the body lotion

TBC by Nature Natural Vitamin E Ultra Healing Body Lotion Swatch
TBC by Nature Natural Vitamin E Ultra Healing Body Lotion Swatch


  • Affordable, huge quantity
  • Nice floral scent
  • SPF 15
  • Lightweight, non-greasy, fast-absorbing
  • Not tested on animals
  • 100% vegetarian


  • Inadequate winter moisturization for dry skin types

Overall Impression

This is a good, lightweight, all-season body lotion for oily-to-normal skin types. If you have dry skin, you would enjoy it more during summer. Or you can probably try their cream version which I assume may be more nourishing.

Cafe-o-Meter Rating: 3/5

* Product sent by PR. Review based on my personal experience with the product.

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  1. I am yet to try it.. nice review love..

  2. Nice and honest review , I also got a body lotion from this brand and what I did not liked is it has parabens .
