The Body Shop Vanilla Chai Shower Gel Review

January 10, 2017

The Body Shop Vanilla Chai Shower Gel Review, Swatch, Price, Buy Online in India, Details, Photos

Of late, I have been craving for 2 things... vanilla-scented products and a perfect brown lip color. So when The Body Shop launched 3 Limited Edition collections for the Christmas holiday season of 2016 - Vanilla Chai, Frosted Berries, and Spiced Apple, I just had to get the vanilla variant! Let us get into the review now...

Product Description

Bring a squeeze of seasonal sweetness to your shower with our Limited Edition Vanilla Chai Shower Gel; a deliciously-scented shower gel bursting with vanilla chai fragrance. This warm and inviting scent infused with creamy milk and addictive vanilla, envelops the senses for a relaxing experience.

The Body Shop Vanilla Chai Shower Gel
The Body Shop Vanilla Chai Shower Gel


It does have chemicals but in safe-to-be-used proportions. It contains Sodium Laureth Sulfate which is different and milder than Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. The other surfactants/foaming agents used are either plant/coconut-derived and can be interpreted as natural or synthetic based on the levels of processing it has undergone. I am however not an expert on this matter; so you are free to differ/share your views. I am all ears...

The Body Shop Vanilla Chai Shower Gel Ingredients
The Body Shop Vanilla Chai Shower Gel Ingredients


Comes in a bottle with a flip-open cap. Loving the cute shape of the new bottles!

Sadly, the cap of this shower gel came in badly broken; the broken-cap pieces were floating inside the bottle and the product had leaked out quite a bit. The cap you see in the pictures, is of my Wild Argan Oil shower gel. Maybe it had a nasty fall in transit or while packing since the other shower gel caps were intact. (P.S. - I ordered from the TBS website.)

The Body Shop Vanilla Chai Shower Gel Packaging
The Body Shop Vanilla Chai Shower Gel Packaging


INR 595


250 ML

The Body Shop Vanilla Chai Shower Gel Quantity
The Body Shop Vanilla Chai Shower Gel Quantity

Shelf Life

2 years 9 months from date of manufacture

How To Use

Lather up in the bath or shower using hands or a bath lily. Rinse thoroughly.

My Experience

The Body Shop Vanilla Chai Shower Gel has a pearly, cream color and slightly-sticky gel consistency similar to honey, which in fact is listed as an ingredient in this product. 

It lathers well and cleans well. It can be used with hands, bath sponge or with the TBS bath gloves. I have tried all three, and all work just fine; although it lathers the most with the sponge. Also, it does not further dry my already-dry skin.

Now let us talk about the scent - I am totally in love with its fragrance! It has the sweet, calming fragrance of vanilla with just the right hint of spices like cardamom and cinnamon thrown in, to stop it from being sickly sweet. Another plus point is that the fragrance lingers on skin for quite a while.

For me, Vanilla Chai is the smell of winter; of Christmas; of holidays; of sipping masala chai in quaint little hill-station shops in India; of fresh warm bakes; of warmth and happiness... 

The Body Shop Vanilla Chai Shower Gel Review
The Body Shop Vanilla Chai Shower Gel Review

The below swatch-picture is a bit blurred as my camera battery was dying.

The Body Shop Vanilla Chai Shower Gel Swatch
The Body Shop Vanilla Chai Shower Gel Swatch

The Body Shop Vanilla Chai Shower Gel Review, Swatch, Price, Buy Online in India
The Body Shop Vanilla Chai Shower Gel Review, Swatch, Price, Buy Online in India, Details, Photos


  • Warm, delicious scent of vanilla mixed with spices
  • Cleans well, lathers well
  • Non-drying


  • None at all

Overall Impression

The Vanilla Chai has quickly become one of my favorite fragrances from The Body Shop. I just wish it was not limited edition. If you love vanilla scents, then I would highly recommend the Vanilla Chai range. Even if you don't, do give it a sniff at the store and decide for yourself.

Cafe-o-Meter Rating: 5/5

P.S. - This shower gel was supposed to be a part of the ongoing New Year Giveaway but could not be included because of the condition I received it in.

Also, do let me know of good-quality vanilla essential oils in India if you have used any. I have been searching for a while and am quite confused now. Would love to hear your recommendations...

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  1. sound great :) You took pictures so creatively ... love the idea <3

  2. Reading your review am tempted to try this out! The pics you have clicked are beautiful reminding of winter and warmth...

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  3. My sister uses Kazima Vanilla Essential Oil, she bought it from She loves it alot,..

  4. Nice review. I was really tempted to buy this but eventually bought Spiced Apple :)

  5. This sounds like a very interesting fragrance.
